Who We Are
"Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ." Phillipians 1:27
Real Christ
"All authority is given unto me." Matt. 28:19
Jesus is the only reason why we exist as a church. He is the God-Man. He has always been, He was with God, and He is God. According to His own words, He is the only way to know God. He is the Head of the entire body of those who know Him. We believe that He will return to finish His mission.
The people of Heritage hunger to know Him, that we may be like Him.
Real People
"For by grace are you saved." Eph. 2:8
The men and women of Heritage are nobody special to the world. We are a work in progress. We seek to be sincere, but sometimes we are hypocritical. We want to be loving, but we can easily become selfish. We intend to do good, but we often fall short. We agree with the Bible's evaluation of our hearts, we are sinners.
The people of Heritage are saved by God's grace through our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Real World
"They are not of the world." John 17:14
Jesus left the world after accomplishing His Heavenly Father's will. Jesus sent the Spirit to indwell believers with a regenerated heart. He has given to all believers the message of knowing God through the work and person of Jesus. We will purpose to live by faith according to God's Word, motivated by our love for Jesus' name.
The people of Heritage are committed to loving all people as we love ourselves.